You already heard a lot about Salesforce certification and why it matters to store some of them in your CV. Besides the technical and operational side, being a Salesforce professional opens plenty of opportunities for you to grow as a professional. Today, we bring you a recent topic that Salesforce brought to the table: the Salesforce Accredited Professional.
The Salesforce certifications, for years, was the only way for you to show your know-how and you can work with the #1 CRM solution in the world. But that changed, as Salesforce realized that minor specific expertise had also to be mirrored as a part of your learning and growth journey. However, if you’re looking to prepare yourself for a Salesforce certification exam, we can advise you on the 4 best platforms to assure you ace the test and tips to pass your Salesforce Certification.
Below, find the table of contents for this article:
- What is the Salesforce Accredited Professional Credential?
- What is the Partner Learning Camp?
- How to achieve the Accredited Professional Credential?
1. What is the Salesforce Accredited Professional Credential?
The Salesforce Accredited Professional Credential helps Salesforce partners grow their product and industry knowledge. They are available through the Partner Learning Camp, the learning spot for Salesforce Partners.
Most importantly, this kind of accreditation is specifically designed for Salesforce Partners, and it also makes your company earn credits towards Salesforce Navigator distinctions. For the ones who may not know this, the Navigator distinctions are the best way for consulting partners to stand out to their clients and say: “We are experts!”.
With the release of Accredited Professional credentials, all the Salesforce partners have now access to over 200 courses and exams to certificate knowledge. You can only access these materials in the Partner Learning Camp.

2. What is the Partner Learning Camp?
The Partner Learning Camp, or PLC, is the first learning destination for Salesforce partners to meet new expertise, complementing what you learn in the Trailhead.
In addition, using the Partner Learning Camp you can find courses fast by type, proficiency or competency, with data-driven recommendations for your profile and real-time tracking of your progress, similar to Trailhead.
Now you can access the new courses and soon you will be able to access exams and earn the Accredited Professional badge!
1. Partner Learning Camp VS Salesforce Trailhead
So, you may find that both these platforms are equal, so I will explain to you below what differs one from another and how you can get the best out of both!
The main difference is that the Partner Learning Camp is exclusively for Salesforce Partners. It allows self-paced training, as the Trailhead platform, but the aim is to expand the product and industry knowledge of consulting partners. While you get the exam results immediately after taking it on Salesforce Trailhead, on PLC you have to wait between 24 hours to 14 days to get the results. The price range is also significant, but you can see more on this topic on Chart 1 – Main differences between Accredited Professional vs Trailhead Certification.
However, Trailhead offers free online learning that empowers anyone to expand their skills in the Salesforce ecosystem. From the PLC you can earn Accredited Professional credentials and, from Trailhead, only certifications.
Chart 1 – Main differences between a Salesforce Accredited Professional and Trailhead Certification
*Salesforce is constantly evolving, and the platform is always changing. You’ll get significant notice and details on maintenance requirements before your credential expires, so you’ll stay updated with the latest updates and best practices.
3. How to achieve the Salesforce Accredited Professional Credential?
It is so simple as using the Trailhead!
- You spot the course you are into!
- You study through the PLC and earn the credential
- By succeeding in the exam, you will have the expertise to deliver projects confidently. You can register for the exam through the PLC.
In conclusion, being a Salesforce Accredited Professional can benefit your clients a lot! As it makes your company earn Salesforce Navigator points, it consequently helps in providing transparency around you as a partner, about your own capabilities. When your client chooses you instead of another partner, they may be pushed by the confidence your Salesforce Navigator Points addresses to your company.
Therefore, you have plenty of courses to discover. Salesforce is updating exams frequently, so stay tuned to discover when to enroll for your Salesforce Accredited Professional exam. The cost of these exams and a retake fee (if needed) is $150 USD plus applicable taxes.
Now you know more about Salesforce Accreditation, isn’t it? If you’re still concerned about some of these topics, feel free to reach out to us! And also, don’t forget to subscribe to our Knowledge Center.
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